
Kaiju Uprising: Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

“Arlon, is everything in place?” A somewhat anxious Dagahra asked.

“Yes master, everything is as you require it to be. The servants are finishing setting up the dinner table now.” Arlon replied.

“Good, then I should be on my way.”

Dagahra opened up the massive doors that lead from his chamber to the rest of Atlantis’ castle. Rather it was massive to the Atlantians, to him, it was merely a door.

His and Godzilla’s size made things like dinner and common accommodations rather tricky to pull off. The entire castle had to be built with Godzilla’s 100-meter frame in mind. Corridors in the castle were nearly endless. His throne was a spectacle to behold. And preparing dinner for him, and in this case Dagahra, took enormous cooperation and teamwork.

With so much running around happening, it wasn’t hard for Arlon to slip into the kitchen and sneak the two Ambrosia pieces into the kaiju’s goblets. Now, all that was left for his master’s victory was dinner itself.

Dinnertime arrived, and both Dagahra and Godzilla seated themselves at opposite ends of a 400-meter table. “I’m glad you requested this dinner tonight Dagahra.” Godzilla said as he sat down. “There are things I wish to discuss with you.”

“And I you, my lord.” Dagahra responded with a grin. “But first…we must toast.”

“As you wish.” Godzilla said.

Dagahra’s heart pounded in his chest. This was the moment of truth, all his plotting and planning was about to pay off. He just had to make sure he drank from his goblet at the same time as Godzilla, and the spell would transfer all of his powers to Dagahra!

“To Atlantis.” Godzilla said as he raised his cup.

“And to he who rules it.” Dagahra responded, his cup raised as well. Godzilla brought the cup to his mouth, and drank, Dagahra doing the same as soon as he did.

As soon as Godzilla put his cup down, his head started to swim. He tried shaking it off, but to no avail.

“It’s working!” Dagahra thought to himself. “Just one last piece of the puzzle…”

Dagahra raised his head to the sky, and began to chant. “Nala-Akra, komu etel-sti-day, onru lakra!”

As soon as the spell left his mouth, a bright white beam erupted from Godzilla’s chest as he screamed in agony. The beam bounced around the room a few times, vaporizing any unlucky servants it happened to come across, then slammed into Dagahra.

Once the light left Godzilla, he began to change. His legs and arms, his head and neck, his plates, tail, his entire body started to shrink, almost wither away. When it was done, he only stood a little over half the size he had before.

Meanwhile, Dagahra’s body changed as well once the beam entered him. He grew massive legs, his front flippers became powerful, clawed arms with spikes coming out of them, and long bony spikes grew out of his back. In addition, a long whip-like tail emerged from his backside. All in all, he looked far more fearsome then he ever had, and his very being crackled with raw energy.

“D….Dagahra!” Godzilla croaked, his voice having changed as well to a more raspy sound. “What have….you done?!”

“FOOL!” Dagahra laughed. “Can you not see betrayal when it stares you in your eyes?!”

Anger welled in Godzilla’s eyes as he charged at the new Dagahra. Dagahra just cackled and swatted away his enemy, then unleashed a blast at him that set his nervous system on fire.

“Oh my. It looks like you lost the ‘God’ part of Godzilla.” Dagahra taunted. “I suppose we’ll just have to call you Zilla from now on, won’t we?”

Dagahra’s laugh echoed throughout the halls of the palace and sent chills through every Atlantian that heard it. It was a laugh that ushered in a new era for Atlantis.

Grabbing the now-Zilla by his throat, Dagahra made his way through the corridors and burst out of the palace, issuing the same fiendish laugh as before. The Atlantians going about their daily business stopped where they were and gazed at the massive new form of Dagahra, and the other kaiju he held.

“Citizens of Atlantis!” Dagahra bellowed. “There has been a change of the guard. You’re beloved Godzilla has graciously stepped down from his position as God of Atlantis and handed the title to one far more qualified and deserving…me.”

Dagahra muscles bulged as he lifted Zilla up and released him, his limp body careening and slamming into a nearby building. Atlantians everywhere screamed and desperately ran to avoid the debris. Most didn’t make it.

“There are going to be some exciting changes in the coming days for Atlantis…well, exciting for me I suspect, the rest of you probably won’t much care for them.”

Zilla forced his aching body to stand back up and charged Dagahra once again. God or no God, he wasn’t going to let Dagahra simply claim the throne of Atlantis without a fight. He leapt in, jaws agape, but Dagahra caught him by the throat and slammed him down hard into the ground. Zilla’s skull exploded in pain, and he went limp.

Dagahra looked Zilla in his eyes, glazed over from the assault. “Pathetic little creature. I could kill you right now if I wished. But I’m not going to. I’m going to toss you out of Atlantis, let you exist up there, in Man’s world. And know this: while you’re up there, trying to avoid man and his guns and his constant attempt to kill you, I’ll be down here, enslaving the Atlantians you care for so much.”

With that, Dagahra dragged a half-conscious Zilla through the streets of Atlantis as a horrified populace watched on, then stopped when he reached a certain point.

“Open the gates!” he bellowed.

The gates he spoke of were the only exit in Atlantis big enough for a Kaiju to go through. They were, in fact specially made by order of Godzilla many years ago. When the men guarding the gate didn’t respond, Dagahra grew angry, and emitted a blast from his maw that destroyed the small building they were in, and them with it.

Dagahra them slammed Zilla to the ground again, and using raw power, forced the gate open, revealing the ocean. “Goodbye Zilla. Never return to this city again, it’s mine now, and will be for the rest of all time!”

Dagahra laughed manically as he heaved Zilla into the frigid waters and watched with pleasure as the cold snapped Zilla back to consciousness. He twisted around, confused, and then eventually started making his way upward. Dagahra didn’t care if he made it or not, it wasn’t his problem.

Using his strength again, Dagahra forced the gate closed, and then heated it with fire from his fingertips so it would melt together, closing Atlantis off from Zilla forever. The new God of Atlantis stood up proudly and started marching back to the palace, unmindful of the screaming people underneath him being crushed.

Actually, he wasn’t that unmindful, as he made sure to scrape the bloody carcasses off his feet before he entered the palace. As he did, Arlon was there to greet him.

“Master, congratulations! Everything went exactly as you planned it!” he exclaimed.

“Mmm, yes it did. I am now God of Atlantis, and the deposed Zilla is either floating dead in the ocean, or dragging his body onto land, where he’ll be hunted and killed by the humans. And as for you, my faithful Arlon, none of this would have been possible without you. You’re loyalty will be rewarded, here and now.”

“Master, your generosity humbles me.”

“As I said, you would go into Atlantian history books, and so you shall…as the first Atlantian killed by GODAGAHRA!!”

Godagahra raised his foot and slammed it down on Arlon before he even had a chance to scream for mercy.

“Besides, you were the only one who knew how I stole Godzilla’s powers from him. With you dead, there’s no chance anyone will be able to reverse the spell.” Godagahra said as he smiled. He headed over to Godzilla’s throne and seated himself in it.

“SERVENTS!!” He roared. Several terrified people crept into the room.

“I have a dead body on the bottom of my foot, clean it off!” He snarled.

All the servants quickly got cleaning tools and started working on Godagahra’s foot.
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